
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Streaming Music from Munich

As Christmas music becomes unavoidable, I think about a few favorites that I'll play from my collection. And I listen for little bits and snippets of good from the mess that is coming across from many of the usual sources. This morning some antiphonal music performed, recorded, and streamed from Germany. Bayern Klassik the wire to the internet world web thing.

An added bonus to listening to this stream is that it's German language, so I can't understand a word of the news broadcasts. There is some part of me, though, that wants to believe that the news is not so piled with garbage laden tales of the insignificant and breathless stories of scientific breakthrough, later turning out to be untrue, reported by journalists who are clueless.

Thursday the 12th turning out to be a morning of low clouds and the possibility of rain. I'm sort of in the mood to mountain-bike explore. And sort of not. The wind direction is wrong for airplane watching. Which would otherwise be good because VRB is probably IFR. I enjoy seeing airplanes emerge from overcast lined up with the runway; that's some technology you got there in that airplane. You betcha.

A sunnier day in southwest Vero, an area that often turns up in police and sheriff reports.


Friday, December 6, 2013

Dirt Road Backroad And Other Adventures

Man. Has it been that long. I guess time to put up some panorama views. Taking the mountain bike out to places where a turn here and a turn there gets almost away from the sound of motor vehicles.


Friday, November 1, 2013

Sand Roads And The Back Way To Fort Pierce

Time to get the black bike rolling on some back roads. There's a lot to explore, and it comes with a bonus: very few motor vehicles. The wail of packs of cars does get old. So far no country dogs.


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

There Was No Fried Chicken In Attica

Wheelers Fried Chicken is gone. Replaced by a feeding trough. Family buffet. I didn't even bother.

Other pics from a few rides. Most to the south and west of Lafayette.

I was along the river bottom in Spring and then again in Fall. Soybeans.

Downtown Attica on a cloudy day. Attica is another river town. Unlike Lafayette, Attica didn't grow much larger. And unlike Lafayette, Attica didn't knock most of the old buildings down.


Thursday, September 26, 2013


Short rides out in the corn and beans. Most of it will be down within the next few days. I'm thinking, ride to Attica via Riverside and Independence on Sunday and pick up some fried chicken.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

A Trip To The Beach

A trip to the beach by going down a narrow path just off of Jungle Trail. Then darting across A1A and continuing east.


Saturday, September 14, 2013

And Suddenly Most of My Pictures Seemed Boring

But lately I've been messing with both panorama and with pseudo high dynamic range images.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

We Walked Around Downtown

After we ate, we walked around downtown Vero and looked in windows. We saw no other pedestrians. No surprise. Hot night, and even at seven the sun was still beating down.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

More Vero Travelog

More pictures, mostly pseudo HDR, from fairly close to home. Too damn hot around here for me to want to roam far and wide on a bicycle. Okay, all pseudo HDR.


Friday, August 2, 2013

A New Technology

Digital photography lends itself well to image processing methods unavailable with the old film, developer, and what not process of making pictures. One of the tricks digital does really well is jamming a wide scene brightness range into a single image. In black and white something called the "zone system" allowed one to extend the range of tones captured by film into an image printed on paper. Digital can do something trickier when a wide brightness range is bracketed and then smooshed together to make the final pic. Good articles about High Dynamic Range (HDR) all over the place. These are pix done in approximate fashion from camera-output jpeg.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Saturday And Sunday

Saturday looking north near Sebastian Inlet

And Sunday in south Vero


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Canal And Taylor Creek

I continue to look around at and try to see how water is managed only a few feet above sea level. And an area I'd been meaning to look at more closely is a tiny bit upstream on Taylor Creek in Fort Pierce. The last time I was going to do some exploring in this area cops had all the roads in and out blocked and a cop-o-chopter in the air. Never did find out why, but I also did not try to find out very hard. Today worked out better. Spillway where the canal joins the creek. And from farther down stream as well.
