
Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Lack Toes In Taller Ants

A combination of Florida chilly and breezy has me not doing my usual and customary. I think a dog walk with Ellen and Lili (the dog) will take the place of a bicycle ride and possible flying model airplanes this morning. Once I get going.

In my defense I note that today is already breezy, and my small foam airplane does not handle wind well. And that's only the start of my problems. A good day is when my flight into terrain is under my control: a landing more than a crash. As for the bike? Dunno. Some days are better than others. Lately I've struggled to adjust to traffic.

Ellen is working on a painted-mailbox design for a neighbor. The design will include these small blossoms. 

We figure it's a decent Sunday when we are invited to brunch at the Vero Beach Yacht Club by Sharon and Bill. This is an old money sort of place. One dresses up, but within reason. And electronic communication devices aren't permitted in their dining area. The Theobalds brought a mutual friend whose late husband was one of Ellen's painting students way back when. Later this week, Sharon and Ellen are making an art trip to Palm Beach.

Resuming my interest in hanging out at airports, and taking pics of airplanes, I bought a used Pentax lens that will adapt easily to my Lumix cameras. Lens is okay. I think it might be in really great shape for mid nineteen-eighties used because it's not particularly sharp. Gets better when stopped down. For the moment, I think it will suit my purposes. And it was inexpensive, so there's that.

Above a test shot. One of Purdue's retired airplanes now working in Vero Beach, and Piper's new design in closed traffic. Camera & subject motion a factor in the last shot.

We are looking forward to seeing Xaque Gruber's movie The Pistol this weekend. He produced and directed. A great deal of it shot next door in Ellen's studio. Our house guest for the weekend will be one of the people who worked with Xaque. Stay tuned.


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