Hard-pack sand roads don't have a lot of automobile traffic. Kinda rough on the bike, but I'm riding a mid-nineties Trek I got at a yard sale. Nice enough for the money, for sure. Heavy chain and cheap cassette. The 850, and it had been owner rebuilt, so a few things were a little less than I would have liked. Wheels might have been set without a cone wrench. Or simply without mechanic's feel. Same for the headset, but it came out okay without having a detent. Pedal bearing covers were missing. Um.
Four miles of riding on sand and muck.
From time to time we can feel a vibration pass through the house. It lasts for several minutes, and it's not worrisome. Nearby construction site is compacting soil for several three-story apartment buildings. These will be for the work-staff at an exclusive gated community on the Island. The community will run shuttle busses.
For now, run-off is an issue. We expect that the plan includes drains to channel water into the system that sends it into a canal and then into the river. - You can see the roller/compactor in the pic of machines. And on the other machine a blue drill for busting up rock. The area is called Rockridge for a reason.
Ellen and I had walked to the site to see what was doing. And we took a dog. Included in our walk, checking out what is doing at buildings that house a car collection. A second structure has just been completed, and we were pleasantly surprised that the architect and builder had kept old trees as much as possible. Also, many of the bromeliads remained.
These buildings are diagonally across the street from the apartments.
A sudden, and quite unexpected, late-season bout of me vs flu. And let's not leave Ellen out of it. And outside day after day of rain. A unstable weather over Florida and on and off system of something above the Gulf. Birdbath is full.
Later in the day I made fried chicken & basmati rice and collard greens with bacon.
Modern lenses with no moving parts sticking out of the back. Kinda getting used to it. Everything flies by wire now.
Equivalent. A 14mm Lumix and 28mm Pentax SMC. Sorta surprised, the K-mount came out in 1975. Why does it not seem so long ago?
Meanwhile, the rains came. And very probably will return today. Off and on for the remainder of this week is forecast.
A member in good standing now of the Academy of Model Aeronautics (home: Muncie, Indiana) and of Quiet Birds park flyers of Vero Beach. That's Tom flying one of his foam designs. He's a retired aero engineer.
My plan is RTF: ready to fly. Because I know nothing about modern anything for these airplanes. And foam b/c it's fairly easy to repair.
Steven is the hot stick in these parts. He's Tom's grandson. You know that Steven has the feel for a new airplane when he flips it inverted and makes low passes. Which he did with Bob's airplane here the third time around.
I went down to the Walmart drugstore to get my prescription filled.
And I noticed, on my way in, no eggs. And then, no milk. Hmmn. Nothing on the cheese aisle. And no meats. No frozen foods. I guess something took their power out long enough that much of the store's perishables became a load of garbage.
Walking short-cut behind the store. And earlier bicycle ride that went past Kmart. Concrete-block construction.
Wind from last year's tropical storm. Looks like it blew hard and long from southeast. - Riverside Park. I'd gone looking for Park Fliers. Thinking about an airplane. It's about a done deal. Not that I have any good reasons for having a foam electric-motor airplane.
When rain came on Sunday.
We may or may not get sorta high-speed rail through Vero Beach. And, if we do some of the track will need improvements. This is not TGV we are talking here.
Reworking rail crossings, where the train-car hits are going to take place, is part of the plan.
I lived, in Lafayette, within twenty or thirty yards of a rail crossing. Even with slow-speed trains there were regular one-sided events involving a train and a car. For which to occur, the car driver had to go around crossing gates. Big sedans make a thud sound when they are hit. Minivans more of a crunching, popping, and crackling. Maybe it's more glass?
Florida landscape with moon.
74th Ave SW. Bridge collapsed some time ago. A replacement and repair is being made.
Downtown, another crossing repair. Which, closing Route 60 westbound on Sunday morning, really confused a lot of elderly drivers. Who had not computed about half a mile of signs about road closed ahead. It all happened so fast!
On US 1. The Denny's where, years ago, they told me they didn't have coffee to go. One early morning around three or four, I suppose. That Denny's now gone and replaced with a mattress store to complement the one across the street. From which parking lot I'm taking this picture.
A minor test of Lumix 14/2.5 against an evenly-lighted wall with sufficient texture for (1) autofocus to work, and (2) get some sense of sharp or not to the corners. Not a bad lens.
Zoom isn't my deal. I have one b/c that's what was on the camera when I bought it used. Knew from using 35mm that I prefer 24 and 28 for representing what I see more or less the way that I see it. And, also from 35mm film, that I'm okay with a normal lens around 40. Although a little shorter isn't a bad thing.
Friday night art walk. And opening at Center For Spiritual Care. Artist Mark Kirby. Ellen and I bought one of his pieces. Keeping in scale with our house, already large collection, and budget, it was one of the smaller.
And a show of charter high-school work at Raw Space. Musicians were great.
Work that got ribbons seemed to be for meeting the requirements of an assignment. Work that challenged the artist not so much.
Raw Space is the place to watch.