
Saturday, March 25, 2017

A Meandering Bicycle Ride

Nice east-wind shove coming home. Checked out a little bit of this and that and a few impoundment roads. Pics with Canon G12. 

Saturday, March 18, 2017

A Road Trip To Melbourne

Bedouin textiles and lifestyle at the Funk Center on FIT campus. And a show of work by a local, to Melbourne, artist at the Foosaner Center. Day trip to Melbourne. 

Monday, March 13, 2017

Could Get Some Rain

A diminished forecast for rain. Figured short ride with dash to home when the downpour came. Which it didn't. A Florida landscape that does not involve electric power poles. 


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Canon G12

Used Canon G12 from KEH in Smyrna. I have not been a big fan of Canon. Kinda was in the days of FT and FTb. That dissipated after the AE-1 when Canon discovered that electronics let them put all sorts of irrelevant junk on cameras. But recently have seen several of their cameras as a value. I had been using Fujica. And I've turned off the irrelevant junk on my G12, to the extent that's possible.

Monday, March 6, 2017

To Be

A Sunday trip to Oslo Road parking lot flea market, and a cup of fresh brewed McCoffee with a warning lid. An interesting case of finally putting my college language requirement to use, and the use of esta instead of es.

English just tells us that the stuff is hot. Spanish uses a form of to be that allows caution that it's hot now. Es would tell us that the contents is always hot. Esta that it's hot but that could change. How 'bout that?

Sunday, March 5, 2017

A New Used Camera

Think I'll try a new used camera. For a thousand and some change, I can get much more like what I want. But I'm hard on cameras, so nice (and new) is not part of the program. Canon G12 that's been around for a few years. I want an optical viewfinder. Don't care about big zoom, and I can live with a smaller image chip and fewer mpxl. This will be my first trip into the country of proprietary lithium batteries instead of AA. Have to see. 

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Ford Trimotor Comes To Town

EAA brings their Ford Trimotor to town. An airplane that does just about everything at about 80 mph. Takes off, lands, flies. All around 80, I think. But sittin' still, it's sitting still.

Drag reduction did not figure in the engineering goals on this airplane; it's about lift, and it will lift a fair amount. More importantly, unlike the Fokker Trimotor, it's not wood inside, so it won't rot and fall apart in the air.

These airplanes were favored by smoke jumpers. I think the last one went out of service in the sixties. They got you to the job site. They fly slowly, and the tail surfaces are well out of the way for someone who is leaving the airplane in flight.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Out Of The House But Not Going Far

I've been wanting to ride in Herbert Kale Area for a couple of years, but deterred by high water and mud on the usual and customary path in. This year it's not so bogged up, and I did a quick ride directly to the pond observation tower. Then cut through the "no" and "only" area and came out behind one of the several developments that abut the impoundment area.