
Monday, July 29, 2013

Saturday And Sunday

Saturday looking north near Sebastian Inlet

And Sunday in south Vero


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Canal And Taylor Creek

I continue to look around at and try to see how water is managed only a few feet above sea level. And an area I'd been meaning to look at more closely is a tiny bit upstream on Taylor Creek in Fort Pierce. The last time I was going to do some exploring in this area cops had all the roads in and out blocked and a cop-o-chopter in the air. Never did find out why, but I also did not try to find out very hard. Today worked out better. Spillway where the canal joins the creek. And from farther down stream as well.


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Scattered Showers

Scattered showers Tuesday. Saint Lucie Village at the marina. It's out of the way, and there's peace and quiet.

Earlier, weather was building. Good looking clouds over the Indian River. I was thinking about taking my mountain bike out for a short ride this morning. But, thunder very near by. A good day to reconsider activities.


Monday, July 15, 2013

D.J. Wilcox Preserve

Sunday ride to and around in the Wilcox preserve. A lot of storm run-off is coming through. I'm trying for the Joel Meyerowitz 81A filter effect. So the color shifting is intentional.


Monday, July 8, 2013

Fort Pierce Doings

A few things going on around the water in Fort Pierce. Man living on the boat with blue skirt and gold shield is a ship's captain. Bruce something or other. His dog is Dylan. That's his green van. He's around when he's not moving boats. And has the story on what's doing in the port.

Oh yeah. That's my bike. Indiana snow Trek with smooth road tires. And it's geared way faster.

Day fishing boat comes and goes. I'm not involved in fishing, and the upper deck chairs are gone, so I'm probably not going along for the ride. Fifty bucks for six hours on the Atlantic. Now I might spring thirty for another twenty-minute ride in a Dash 6 at Skydive, but that's another adventure.

Christopher Dean and Viking Starliner. The Starliner was a gambling boat that didn't make it. Been refitted to carry cattle and cargo to Haiti. And the Dean belongs to a shipping company that abruptly shut down. Not seen, Opus Casino. Also gambling boat. The company ran out of money and Fort Pierce was the nearest port. That boat has been around for several years at $9,000 a month dock fees. 

Farmer's market downtown and the new marina protection breakwater. It's FEMA money. Not sure how that works, but I'm sure someone does.
